The Royal Tramline
I made this monorail in the last 2 months. It is part of a game project I am working on. It has 8 seats and up to 6 more standing places. It runs in a hanging rail system and connects different groups of islands.

Portfolio Description

I made this monorail in the last 2 months. It is part of a game project I am working on. It has 8 seats and up to 6 more standing places. It runs in a hanging rail system and connects different groups of islands.

Portfolio Media

Valentin Winkelmann

Valentin Winkelmann

My great passion is computers and everything that has to do with them. I do nerdy things in C#, Typescript and PHP. I studied Game Art and 3D Animation and work full-time as a web and graphic designer. I like to spend my free time in the nature, which is a contrast to the technical world.

This work is protected by copyright. All rights belong to the artist. You are welcome to share the work, as long as you clearly mention the artist and the website.