The Mountains of Garbage

Portfolio Description

The project „The Mountains of Garbage“ is strongly inspired by the works of Matt Dixon, whose work I highly appreciate and admire. Another factor that led me to create this work is the serious and depressing fact of how we humans will leave the world.

For the project, I relied heavily on the photogrammetry database Megascans. These photogrammetry scans allow to fill the environment with a large amount of scattering objects, which gives a realistic image of a junkyard.
The whole project was developed in Cinema4D and rendered in Octane. A lot of post-processing was necessary to create the final look, for example the sky is not part of the rendering and also the fog was done in Photoshop.

The robot, which is heavily inspired by the work of Matt Dixon, was also created in Cinema4D, then unfolded using RizomUV and textured in SubstancePainter.

It is kept very simple and has only a basic rigging. As a little gimmick I transferred the robot into the Unity Engine and tried to design the project as an interactive environment.

The garbage mountains are also inspired by the film Wall-E and the film Idiocrazy. In both films there are scenes of ridiculously high mountains of garbage, which I think are very ironic and describe the situation well, how mankind deals with its garbage and its planet.

The Octane Scatter object allows to display very high amounts of objects on a pile and was used heavily here.

Portfolio Media

Valentin Winkelmann

Valentin Winkelmann

My great passion is computers and everything that has to do with them. I do nerdy things in C#, Typescript and PHP. I studied Game Art and 3D Animation and work full-time as a web and graphic designer. I like to spend my free time in the nature, which is a contrast to the technical world.

This work is protected by copyright. All rights belong to the artist. You are welcome to share the work, as long as you clearly mention the artist and the website.